Anti-Discrimination Law and Equal Opportunities
- World Development Report, Anti-discrimination laws and work in the developing world: A thematic overview, 2013
- IFPRI, Taxation policy and gender employment in the Middle East and North Africa region, 2012
- A, Ibourk, Contribution of labour market policies and institutions to employment, equal opportunities and the formalisation of the informal economy: Morocco, 2012
- Le nouveau code de travail, 2004
Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations
Disabled Workers
Education, Training and Apprenticeship
- HCP, Formation, emploi et insertion dans la vie active
- Economic Commission for Africa, Addressing the youth education and employment nexus in the new global economy, 2011
- Agence Française de Développement, Formation et emploi au Maroc Etat des lieux et recommandations, September 2011
- MEN, Pour un nouveau souffle de la réforme de l’Éducation-Formation, 2008
- USAID, Education from a Gender Equality Perspective, 2008
- M. Bougroum & A. Ibourk, Le chômage des diplômés au Maroc: quelques réflexions sur les dispositifs d’aide à l’insertion, 2002
- Dares, Emploi et chômage des immigrés en 2011, Octobre 2012
- European Commission, Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects (Volume 2), 2010
- European Commission, Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects (Volume 1), 2010
Labour Market and Employment Policies
- L. E. Bernal-Verdugo, D. Furceri, and D. Guillaume, Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects, March 2013
- Research Institute for Social Development, Gender and employment in Moroccan textile industries
- The World Bank, Promoting Youth Opportunities and Participation, May 2012
- Ambassade de France au Maroc, L’emploi: une priorité nationale pour le Maroc, Décembre 2011
- European Union, Labour Market Information Systems in Ivory Coast, Morocco and Peru: Comparative Report, 2011
- G. Ahmed, Private employment agencies in Morocco, 2011
- IFAD, A country fact sheet on youth employment – Regional side event of the Near East, North Africa and Europe Division, 2011
- ISSA, Politiques d’emploi des jeunes dans les pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient, 2010
- ILO, Growth, Economic Policies and Employment Linkages in Mediterranean Countries The cases of Egypt, Israel, Morocco and Turkey, 2010
- ILO, Labour Market Policies and Institutions: a Synthesis Report. The cases of Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Syria and Turkey, 2010
- N. Spierings & J. Smits, Women’s labour market participation in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria & Tunisia: A three-level Analysis, May 2007
- L. Achy, Labor Market and Growth in Morocco, 2005
- N. El Aoufi et M. Bensaïd, Chômage et employabilité des jeunes au Maroc, 2005-2006
- P. Agénor & K. El Aynaoui, Politiques du marché du travail et chômage au Maroc: Une analyse quantitative, Octobre 2003
Welfare and Work-Life Balance
Working Time