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A. F. Barbosa et al., Vocational Education and Training, inequality and the labour market in Brazil and India: a policy review, Institute for Human Development /Cebrap Working Paper, 2015

A. F. Barbosa et al. (2015), Vocational Education and Training, inequality and the labour market in Brazil and India: a policy review, Institute for Human Development /Cebrap Working Paper


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Zakon o delovnem času in obveznih počitkih mobilnih delavcev ter o zapisovalni opremi v cestnih prevozih (Act Regulating the Working Time and Compulsory Rest Periods of Mobile Workers and on Recording Equipment in Road Transport)

Zakon o delovnem času in obveznih počitkih mobilnih delavcev ter o zapisovalni opremi v cestnih prevozih (Act Regulating the Working Time and Compulsory Rest Periods of Mobile Workers and on Recording Equipment in Road Transport)


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