NIOSH, Preventing Heat-related Illness or Death of Outdoor Workers, 2013 Preventing Heat-related Illness or Death of Outdoor Workers
NIOSH, Promoting Hearing Health among Fire Fighters, 2013 Promoting Hearing Health among Fire Fighters
ANMIL, L’emersione delle patologie muscolo-scheletriche, 2013 L’emersione delle patologie muscolo-scheletriche
EU-OSHA, Nanomaterials in the healthcare sector: occupational risks and prevention, 2013 Nanomaterials in the healthcare sector: occupational risks and prevention
EU-OSHA, Lavori verdi e sicurezza e salute sul lavoro: Previsione sui rischi nuovi ed emergenti correlati alle nuove tecnologie entro il 2020 – Sintesi, 2013, Lavori verdi e sicurezza e salute sul lavoro: Previsione sui rischi nuovi ed emergenti correlati alle nuove tecnologie entro il 2020 – Sintesi
Health and Safety Executive, Survey of noise emission and risk information supplied with a range of work machinery, 2013, Survey of noise emission and risk information supplied with a range of work machinery
Eurogip, What recognition of work-related mental disorders?, 2013 What recognition of work-related mental disorders?
INAIL, Il rischio biologico nel settore della bonifica dei siti contaminati, 2013 Il rischio biologico nel settore della bonifica dei siti contaminati
ILO, Strengthening the role of Employment Injury Schemes to Help Prevent Occupational Accidents and Diseases, 2013 Strengthening the role of Employment Injury Schemes to Help Prevent Occupational Accidents and Diseases
Eurofound, 2012, Greening of industries in the EU: Anticipating and managing the effects on quantity and quality of jobs Greening of industries in the EU: Anticipating and managing the effects on quantity and quality of jobs