L. E. Bernal-Verdugo, D. Furceri, and D. Guillaume, Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects, March 2013 Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects
Research Institute for Social Development, Gender and employment in Moroccan textile industries Gender and employment in Moroccan textile industries
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World Development Report, Anti-discrimination laws and work in the developing world: A thematic overview, 2013 Anti-discrimination laws and work in the developing world: A thematic overview
The World Bank, Promoting Youth Opportunities and Participation, May 2012 Promoting Youth Opportunities and Participation
IFPRI, Taxation policy and gender employment in the Middle East and North Africa region, 2012 Taxation policy and gender employment in the Middle East and North Africa region
A, Ibourk, Contribution of labour market policies and institutions to employment, equal opportunities and the formalisation of the informal economy: Morocco, 2012 Contribution of labour market policies and institutions to employment, equal opportunities and the formalisation of the informal economy: Morocco
Economic Commission for Africa, Addressing the youth education and employment nexus in the new global economy, 2011 Addressing the youth education and employment nexus in the new global economy
Ministere de la function publique, Conciliation travail- famille des femmes et des hommes fonctionnaires au Maroc, 2011 Conciliation travail- famille des femmes et des hommes fonctionnaires au Maroc