Category Archives: INDICE A-Z: per Paese

A. Q. Brunelli, Two decades of structural shifts in the brazilian labor market: assessing the unemployment rate changes through stylized facts on labor supply and labor demand, Banco Central do Brasil Working Paper n.º 348, 2014

A. Q. Brunelli (2014), Two decades of structural shifts in the brazilian labor market: assessing the unemployment rate changes through stylized facts on labor supply and labor demand, Banco Central do Brasil Working Paper n.º 348


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A. F. Barbosa et al., Vocational Education and Training, inequality and the labour market in Brazil and India: a policy review, Institute for Human Development /Cebrap Working Paper, 2015

A. F. Barbosa et al. (2015), Vocational Education and Training, inequality and the labour market in Brazil and India: a policy review, Institute for Human Development /Cebrap Working Paper


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