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K. Karamanis, and C. Naxakis, Minimum Wage and Unemployment in Greek Labour Market: A Descriptive Analysis, 2014
A. Koukiadaki, and C. Kokkinou, The impact of the labour market reforms on collective bargaining in manufacturing: The case of Greece, 2014
D. Anagnostou, Local government and migrant integration in Europe and in Greece, ELIAMEP, 2016
CEDEFOP, Vocational education and training in Greece, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014.
G. Magoulios and A. Trichopoulou, Employment status for people with disabilities in Greece, South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, 1: 25-40, 2012.
P. Georgiadou, Hopes dashed on plans for collective bargaining, European Observatory of Working Life, 2015
Link available here.
T. Schulten, Opportunities for a Restoration? The Future of Greek Collective Bargaining after the Third Memorandum. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 2015
L. Fulton, Worker representation in Europe. Labour Research Department and ETUI. Produced with the assistance of the SEEurope Network, 2015
Online publication available here.