Category Archives: Diritto comparato del lavoro

E. Achtsioglou, M. Rocca, Trade unions, collective bargaining and collective action beyond the EU and its Court of Justice – A tale of shrinking immunities and sparkling new competences from the land of the Lesser Depression, Atelier de Droit Social, 2012, AdDS Working Papers, n. 1

Trade unions, collective bargaining and collective action beyond the EU and its Court of Justice – A tale of shrinking immunities and sparkling new competences from the land of the Lesser Depression pdf

European Parliament, 26 giugno 2013, 2013/35/EU, Directive of The European Parliament and of the Council of on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (20th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) and repealing Directive 2004/40/EC (in Official Journal of the European Union, 26 giugno 2013, L 179/1)

Directive of The European Parliament and of the Council of on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (20th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) and repealing Directive 2004/40/EC  pdf

European Commission, marzo 2013, COM(2013) 152 final, Proposal for a Council decision authorising Member States to ratify, in the interests of the European Union, the Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers, 2011, of the International Labour Organisation (Convention No 189)

Proposal for a Council decision authorising Member States to ratify, in the interests of the European Union, the Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers, 2011, of the International Labour Organisation (Convention No 189) pdf